20th Century Heroes of Oklahoma

The Oklahoma Constitution - Fall 2000

The Top Ten
#10 - Bob Anthony

Starting at #10, we list Corporation Commissioner Bob Anthony. When first elected in 1988, Anthony was not a favorite of most conservatives. Born into one of Oklahoma's most illustrious business families (C.R. Anthony), most assumed he was just a rich guy looking for a new toy to play with. How wrong we were. Anthony has often been alone in fighting corruption at the Corporation Commission. Readers of our series on the mysterious death of Norman businessman Ron Miller know that we have some very large questions about the commission. Had it not been for the courageous work of Commissioner Anthony, the bribery scandal, which sent one former commissioner to prison, would probably never have been unraveled.

© 2000 The Oklahoma Constitution

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Bob Anthony - Corporation Commission

Honesty. Integrity. ANTHONY.

Last updated: March 07, 2019.
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Authorized and paid for by Oklahomans for Anthony 2018.